Terravista has an area of about 1,100 hectares - the project brings together condominiums, hotels, one of the best golf courses in South America, a restaurant on the beach, an open-air theater and a private airport - all integrated into a vast preserved area of the Atlantic Rainforest.
Golfers can take advantage of a 50% discount on Green-fees. Also at a 50% discount, the neighbour resort Club Med offers Terravista guests most of their excellent infrastructure within their day- or night-use packages. Guests also have the privilege of private beach access, just descending the staircase through the beautiful red cliffs overlooking Trancoso's blue ocean.
Private beach access from within the Terravista Complex:
- Taípe beach: is the furthest away and has a difficult acess for the general public, which is why is becomes a desert refuge for those who want to scape the hustle and bustle of Trancoso.
- Tartarugas beach is the most exclusive in the region.