If you are an owner of a property that you believe fits our portfolio and is located in one of our south bahia destinations, kindly contact us, informing the sales price, the exact google earth location, a description with total m2 of land and m2 constructed area, photos and preferably also a video.
Our commission is the market standard 6% of the total transaction value and must be included in the sales price, as per the guidelines of the regional council of real estate brokers (CRECI). In case of a sale, the brokerage fee is due by you the seller, to us your real estate broker, from the moment the sales contract is signed.
Other expenses that are due by the seller are those to obtain the necessary documents and certificates (most are obtainable online for a small fee), legal fees if you choose to contract a lawyer and any other expenses necessary to deliver your property free of liens or debts to the buyer. After the property is sold, you must pay the obligatory capital gains tax, which, for a natural person, is between 15% and 22.5% over the difference between sale and acquisition value, as registered in the deed.